Thursday, February 26, 2009

Y Workout

First day at the Y, so I was just exploring my options.

Cardio: 2 mile track run, 10 minutes of lap swim

Overhead tricep extension: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Triceps kickback: 3 x 15 10 pounds
Upright row: 3 x 10 15 pounds
Bent lateral raise: 3 x 10 10 pounds
Seated bicep curl: 3 x 10 15 pounds
Lying lat pullover: 3 x 12 20 pounds
1-arm lat row: 3 x 15 20 pounds
Lying lat fly: 3 x 10 15 pounds
Flat dumbbell chest press: 3 x 10 20 pounds

Felt pretty good!

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